القائمة الرئيسية


اختبار لغة انكليزية للمحترفين - مستوى اول


اختبار لغة إنكليزية للمحترفين

  يحتوي هذا الاختبار على عشر أسئلة من المستوى الأول  للمحترفين

يتضمن  الاختبار مجموعة من الأسئلة  يتم الإجابة عنها بملء الفراغ بالإجابة  المناسبة للجملة   

عدد الأسئلة : 10 

اختر الإجابة الصحيحة

 choose the correct answer :

1.  The boy is not _ _ _  - he is _ _ _  - and therefore should not be tried in court as an adult .

(a) mature ..juvenile

(b) experienced ..inveterate 

(c) young .. fledgling

(d) youthful .. established

2. He vowed to embrace a newfound _ _ _ once the trial began ; nonetheless the accused resorted to his typical manner of _ _ _ as soon as he took the stand . 

(a) ingenuousnessnavet

(b) mendaciousness .. deceitfulness

(c) passion .. exuberance

(d) candor .. duplicity 

3. Rather than be melancholy all winter , Jim should try to be more _ _ _ .

(a) energetic


(c) depraved

(d) depressed

4. After living a life of depravity and transgression , the offender felt so _ _ _ that he declared he would become a priest and devote the remainder of his life to _ _ _ . 

(a) melancholy .. sadness

(b) tentative .. shame

(c) terrible .. sin

(d) contrite .. atonement 

5. Elise always envisioned the monastery as an austere place of worship ; however upon visiting it , she found it suprisingly _ _ _ 

(a) comfortable 

(b) barren 

(c) strict

(d) ornate

6. The _ _ _ icicles hardly cast a shadow .

(a) auspicious

(b) diaphanous

(c) malleable

(d) opaque

7. Mr . Plainnview is a man of secrecy . He deals with the mob and other _ _ _ organizations , and regularly participates in thier _ _ _ activities .

(a) clandestine .. unlawful

(b) anarchistic .. fraudulent

(c) amiable .. illegitimate

(d) disdainful .. scruplous 

8. Despite some members of the Board of Education admitting to the _ _ _ of his argument , Proposition G6 was still  denied by a vote of 4 to 3 .

(a)  brusqueness

(b) truculence

(c) negligence 

(d) cogency

9. Although is necessary to carry a relatively large number of provisions when traversing the Australian Outback , it is _ _ _ that you keep your pack from becoming too _ _ _ .

(a) crucial .. ponderous

(b) mandatory .. insulated

(c) helpful .. elongated

(d) imperative .. compact

10. Even the most _ _ _ gambler stops betting when he or she runs out of money .

(a) intelligent

(b) cautious

(c) foolhardy

(d) hazardous 

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